About Us
Women Working Online is a community for women who are serious about working online to earn an income. We connect, learn, grow and support each other in a safe space.
Women on a Mission to Earn Consistent Income Online
Getting started as a freelancer doesn’t have to be that hard.
Join thousands of women that are serious about earning an income online and get to learn, share and engage with like-minded women today!
Meet Your Cheerleader
Nothing beats the feeling of knowing that there’s someone to hold your hand every step of the way!
Nancy Kwamboka
I started working online (as a virtual assistant) in 2016, young and clueless. But over the years, I have had the privilege of working with amazing clients, and am lucky enough to say that I have become very close with the clients that I have had the pleasure of working with. We share the triumphs and the struggles, the ups and the downs, and as always, we get to complain in a judgement free zone.
I would be lying if I said it was easy. I had to juggle between my university classes and a job that promised me freedom. I wanted a career that allowed me to live anywhere, work from home, and support my lifestyle. After lots of soul searching, I finally decided to take a plunge.
I finally found a career that I love, and clients that come back month after month for my services. Which is why I want to help you. When I started I had no help, no guidance. To be honest, I didn’t even know what a virtual assistant was! I had to do lots of research, join groups and quickly learn on the job.
Starting your own company doesn’t have to be a struggle, and you don’t have to do it alone. I want to be your cheerleader, your biggest support, and help you find your path. I want to help guide your business into success, and show you that you CAN have a job you love, with hours you can manage.